Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Another of my hobbies: Photography

Another one of my hobbies, since about 2nd grade, is photography. I'm am interested in both traditional (analog) and modern (digital). I started with my mothers old rectangular Kodak camera. The camera from the 70's with the "cube" flashcubes that rotated after each use and were extremely hot! The camera that also needed to be manually advanced and then rewound.

Then in high school I upgraded to my fathers Nikkormat SLR camera, which I might add is older than myself and still takes great photos. I ended up joining the yearbook staff as a photographer for my sophomore/junior year. I enjoyed greatly working in the developers dark room and taking pictures of most of the sporting events and a few candids around campus.

Today I still have that ancient SLR as well as a few digital cameras. I have a coolpix 4500 and a few of the expander lens's (started with the coolpix 950), and a cannon powershot SD1000. The coolpix with their rotating barrel are great for some wacky angles and getting shots that would make you contort your body to like up the shot. The powershot is great for a quick candid or all around general camera. I like all the cameras and use each depending on the circumstances.

Now, after a number of years of taking photos, I'm starting to organize them for archival purposes and for possible sale. I was recently made aware of the following site called Lucky Oliver. The site, like the Turbosquid site which in a previous post where I sell my 3D assets, allows you to sell your "assets/photos" for use in various mediums. The catch is again they take a cut of any proceeds for hosting those files.

So if your interested in Lucky Oliver, or you want to find all of my photos available for sale click the banners:


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