Last year I happened upon a neat site called The Show with Ze Frank. More or less this personality named Ze would offer up tidbits about his day, politics, or whatever was on his mind in an entertaining way akin to The Daily Show. The unique thing is that Ze would include and interact with his audience of Fabuloso's, who would send him items such as funny signs, pictures from around the world, and the usual question now and again. The show felt "good", it made your day a bit brighter, and the acts performed by the community that was formed along with Ze, made you feel good about humanity at large.
Come March the show will have been "off the air" for a full year. The link provided above will take you to the archive where you can watch all of the shows. My personal favorite bits in the shows are the songs, the LOA's or League Of Awesomeness. If you like creativity check out the archive and then check out his personal site and then his creation to allow the community that was formed from the show to continue and thrive.
I miss the show.
Ze Frank has been doing some posting on other sites of late, some good stuff from him on time magazine called "That makes me think of" (like the old show kinda of where he talks about the days news):
and some stuff he's just found and wanted to share:
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Have you found any other vloggers who even remotely fill in the gap he left? I've been hunting for anything else even remotely similar to the show.
ReplyDeleteZe Frank has been doing some posting on other sites of late, some good stuff from him on time magazine called "That makes me think of" (like the old show kinda of where he talks about the days news):
and some stuff he's just found and wanted to share: