The game is called "Slender - The Eight Pages" and its pretty freaky to play. It's a single player game and the idea is that you are investigating the myth of the slender man and you've tracked him down and are collecting evidence to prove his existence via 8 notes/scribblings that you find in the game, the bad news is that slender man is always watching!
As you progress the music gets more dire and things get more intense, and then you find your second note/clue! BOOM! He's behind you! RUN! Don't LOOK BAAAAC!!! *ssssshhhhhh......*
To get the most bang for your buck (um its free!) definitely play with the sound up, and all the lights off in your house and see how far you can get before the slender man gets you!!!
Official Site and Game > Here
Fan Site With Info > Here
Slenderman Myth Wiki > Here
There are some priceless videos of peoples reactions to playing Slender which you can check out one of the videos below:
(skip to 9:53 for the scary game goodness)
If you like Twinzik's play through check out their youtube channel and facebook page! If you've got an idea for an article or have a cool link to a video game feel free to email at the contact link above!
Hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for stopping by!