Then we got into the closed beta, and while fun, they were somewhat disappointing and frustrating. You had a limited set of items you could use and you could only play for one hour! Every city I created just got going and was extremely interesting at the one hour mark, and then the game would end. I wanted to punch several babies and kittens after a couple of hours of that again and again.
However, today is the official release date as of 9:00 pm PST of the Simcity game! YAY! Despite the reddit hate postings here from everyone who didn't get the ability to download the game as soon as it hit midnight around the globe, or who purchased through Amazon. My friends and I merely waited and around 10:00 pm PST were awarded with a now ready to download icon in the origin client.
So below is my first play through, if you like what you see please rate and subscribe as that encourages me to make even more Mis-Adventure videos!
Hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for stopping by!