Here are the 7/28 Patch Notes for H1Z1!!!
- H1Z1 servers will be coming offline at 5AM Pacific. There is a general Daybreak maintenance at 6AM for 2-3 hours. H1Z1 servers will come back up after that maintenance.
- Patch Notes:
- Vehicles should no longer sink into ramps, stairs and deck expansions
- Fixed invisible zombies after being hit by cars on headshot-only servers.
- Fixed interaction problems with BBQs and furnaces.
- Fixed a bug with the direction of some melee particle effects.
- Nameplates and health bars should be appearing again on test
- The Nameplate should now line up with the player head.
- Fix for crash bug in the animation system
- Core Game: You can no longer stack First Aid Kits. First aid kits will override the effects from Bandages and Gauze. Bandages and Gauze can still be stacked with each other but not First Aid Kits.
- Battle Royale: Replaced First Aid Kits with Tactical First Aid Kits and replaced Bandages with Field Bandages. Tactical First Aid Kits stack with Field Bandages and Gauze. Field Bandages and Gauze can be stacked with each other.
- The fire axe will now work properly again.
- Removed recipe wipe from hardcore rule set.
- Fixed prone rifle rolling (works for both Male and Female) Hold down Shift+A or D while in prone
- Added Messaging to players to use [NUMPAD1] to Team Chat.
- Fixed issues where Gun slide would stay open ammo still remaining
- Added rewards to Team Battle Royale.
- Added Voice and Group indicators to nameplates.
- Object Placement is no longer allowed while crouching or prone.
- Fixed a problem causing some players to not appear to nearby players after initially spawning.
- Grenades now trigger the proper effects based on ground material.
- Toggle HUD resources remapped from “F” to “H” key by default.
- Fixed several bugs related to objects not detecting rain properly (campfires, dew collectors, etc).
- When teammate drops from team in the box of destiny, a notification should be sent to the other player(s) on the team indicating the present size of their team and the character name of the player that dropped.
- Fixed issue where some players were unaffected by bullets (invincible player/rubber bullet bug).
- Added global team chat to key binding/display in group window.
- General improvements to zombies and animal awareness.
- Multiple mics are now displayed on HUD .
- Nameplates now have a mic icon which appears during voice chat.
- Adjusted bear AI to be more responsive.
- Fixed bug where you were unable to place a wall on base expansion where the foundation and expansion meet.
- Fixed issue which caused the inventory window to close prematurely.
- Added team chat “How to use” notification to players in team BR.
- Added team member notification message in team BR.
- Zombies should no longer warp to another dimension occasionally after being run over by vehicles. Wormhole should be closed.
- Crop growth is now persistent after server restarts.
- Made changes to the Body Simulation. Sims should now work as designed.
- Lock codes should now work properly after server restarts.
- Made trees provide better cover versus projectiles.
- Updated iron sights position on rifle animations.
- BR: Turned off “Team kick” when player disconnects before the match starts.
- Bug fixed in base construction that could leave a foundation socket unusable until the next server restart.
- BR: Adjustments to the parachute sequence.
- BR: Added a text notification for matches that end in a draw.
- EDIT: Just fixed an issue that should alleviate the rubber-banding 10:40AM Pacific
Hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for stopping by!